First thing i want to say is thank you to all members of this forums and for the great response i have received and dozens of emails from lots of you....

Without this forum , The games i have acquired within 3 three months with your help probably would have taken me many years to find if i tried to finding them in ebay... I would say would be nearly impossible in the wild.

Here is the Link to the games i got from digital-press !!

And special Thanks to ;

Neo-Zen , DreamTR , Solar77 , Drexel923 , snesfreak , Bronty-2 , v1rich , Darth Vader , poloplayr ....
And Many More.

I Just Need one more ... A sealed Aero Fighters ....
Im willing to pay 850 USD , but sealed has to be in perfect condition and must have vertical seam.
The price includes tracking and insurance to sydney , Australia.
You got and want to be a bit richer.

Thank you again

PM ; If you have any snes prototype for Snes please PM me.
