well, I'm in deep debt again, because i was too weak to resist an sfa stick today.
So heres what ive got to peddle.
First up i have an sms deck. $5. Heres the catch. It has no rf. I Removed said RF, and then discovered it to be unmoddable..wrong video chip, it's the 1986 board. the "original" with no built in game. GRR. The deck still works fine if you use an a/v cable. Who the hell actually uses RF when there's better video available anyway?!?!
SOL FEACE Cardboard box for sega cd - I'm thinkin' this is the pack in version. It's jewel case size. $2.--

TI99 RF box - $3.
Loose copy of granada for genesis - I was holding this for a dp member who has now been AWOL going on 90 days. To hell with it...$4.
PSX "Original"(not greatest hits) box/manuals - $2.50 for jewel case sets, $3 for longbox sets...
Viewpoint longbox and longmanual
Omega Boost
Final Fantasy Tactics
Philosoma longbox and manual - also has the re gistration card!
Mobile Light Force
Final Fantasy 9 case only
SNES Stuff
Poster .50
Super scope 6 hardware manual $1.50
Super scope 6 cart manual $1.50
Space megaforce manual - cover is shot. $.50
one NES plastic game case box thingy - $1
ps2 sets $2
Alien Hominid
Castle Shikigami 2
Reign of fire
Neo Contra
Gradius 3/4
Splinter cell pandora tomorrow
Champions of norrath

Xbox sets $2
Advanced dungeons and dragons HEROES
1 splinter cell 1 insert - .25
Doom 3 CE/LE/ whatever you call it. the metal box with the plastic slip.
GBA Crap $2/set
Bubble bobble old and new
Konami arcade advanced - Yellow box. (theres a variant of this game. I dont have the variant.)
Atari 7800 sets $2
Midnight Mutants
Barnyard Blaster
I keep forgetting crap and tacking it on the list.
Paper mario - 1000 year door - gamecube box/manual. $2.

Finally..if anyone wants any systems video modded(s video when possible, a/v when not....) Let me know. I've done plenty of work and can for sure mod 2600s/5200s/7800s/xegs, sms/genesis, coleco, odyssey 2, neo geo AES....other systems, ask. I don't know which is possible on intv, s video or a/v, but i know one works.
I have the lowest rates in town for system mods! So just PM...you must provide the system.
thanks everyone.