Quote Originally Posted by Poofta!
well, i would really like for you NOT to take this the wrong way, but if you dont like it, dont buy.

its easier to avoid something than to buy something that isnt produced. and as long as people buy these games (i do, in fact, my fav genres are FPSs and war games), they will be around.
Who said I buy them? I don't. I get fed up from hearing about them on TV and seeing them at stores. For every single good "E" rated game, I'd say 10 crappy "T" or "M" games come out. I'm not attacking ALL "T" and "M" games. I know they do have a place in the market but it's just insane how much there is!!

How many real world war games have come out in the past year? While I don't have an actual number, I know there's been a lot. Do we really need 3-5 games to reinact a war? I mean why would you want to even recreate something as horrible as a real war anyway? Takes some pretty sick minds to do that. I mean creating a fake virtual war is one thing but to take a REAL war and make money from it. Truely is a sad thing to witness.