Quote Originally Posted by jajaja
Quote Originally Posted by Captain Wrong
Quote Originally Posted by jajaja
Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
Quote Originally Posted by jajaja
Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo and it didnt happend. So I doubt anyone will join "forces".
No they didn't, that was a completely fake article. As prideful as the Japanese are, the CEO of a company would likely never tell another company to "Suck my tiny yellow balls."

Doubt it was a fake article. Seen it tons of places. But if it was buying was serious or just an idea I dont know. Anyway, it doesnt matter because it didnt happend

Following that logic, someone in Nigeria must really be waiting to deposit a bunch of money in my bank account because I've seen that email a bunch of places.
Dude, the article is real. I also got an email from Microsoft that says every time you forward it to someone then Microsoft will give you a ton of money. Ill forward it to you if you want to see it for yourself, it's in my inbox right now, dude. Dont try to tell me whats real and what isnt...my mom is the one that sent it to me and she doesnt even know enough about the internet to fake something like that.
Now back to Nintendo. I would let Nintendo do me in my butt if they asked. Really, if I saw a Pokemon running around my house I'd catch it and make little Nintnedo lovin' PokeBabies, then I'd call them Nintenkemon. Then Id make babies with the little Nintenkemon...and more babies made out of the babies I made from the Nintenkemon babies. You dont want none of this , man. Ill love Nintendo so hard it'll make your head spin.
Wow...that’s all too believable.