I've seen the E3 DVD set, and I've seen all the XBOX 360 games that are supposedly coming down the pipe, and I can tell very quickly, that I'm going to want way too many of the launch games right away.

After spending so much on the system, and the inevitable "forced bundle", I'm just not going to be in a situation to be able to buy every game that I want.

God, I hope that Blockbuster carries the XBOX 360 games aggresively, and I hope that the 360 games work with the Gamer's Pass as well.

For some reason, I'm thinking that XBOX 360 games won't work with the Gamers Pass.

If it does work with the Gamers Pass, then I just might get the Gamers Pass at two different blockbusters, I'll get the 2 game at a time Gamer's Pass for $29.99, and it will be worth it to me, to be able to sample all the XBOX 360 games that are out there.

Certainly, I'll have to get a couple of games with my XBOX 360 forced bundle, but I think I would prefer to just rent the games if I could. At least initially. There are so many games I'm going to want to sample, that the best way is to have a couple of gamers passes. Maybe one at Hollywood Video, one at Blockbuster and one at GameFly. That way I can assure myself that I will have a varied collection to rent from.