What do you have to do to be featured as a certain game mag's monthly collector?

I regularly read "Games tm", and every month they have a different collector, with a short Q&A section, and a load of pics of the collector's collection...

This month they have upgraded the section to a double page spread (Which is nice)

However, a majority of collector's they tend to feature have a load of crap. And so many of them tend to waffle on about how they scour car boot sales and the pre-owned sections of GameStation etc... It gets a bit boring after a while to be honest...

The people they feature may have decent collections, but they are all teh same ~ Ie, a shed load of NES carts, a few rarities like Radiant Silvergun, and then they show off their Neo Geo AES collection... Boooorrrriiiiiinnnnggggg. Every. Single. Month.

Pah, and this month the guy goes on about how he found a 32X copy of Primal Rage for a few quid... He then wasted no time in quoting Anagrama's auction which sold for over £300 recently...

Have they never heard of variety? Where do they find these so called "Collector's" anyway?

I would sure like to feature as their featured collector one month, and show them what a real collection consists of! And I think I have worked a hell of a lot harder to aquire some of the rarities that I own, more than just pot-luck at some car boot sale...