When I started vintage game collecting almost a year ago, I made myself as big of a wishlist as I could; giving me a lot of things to look after. Included in that was a short list of sought-after but attainable titles that I felt would be centerpieces (things like Gunstar Heroes, TJ&E, Chrono Trigger, etc).

Now that a year or so has passed, I've accumulated every one of the 'big names' on my original list, and have drastically dwindled the entire list down to a small fraction of what it was when I started. This is especially true when it comes to the older systems - I'm simply running out of things to look for. It almost feels as though my collection, at least in my original terms, is nearing 'completion'. I almost feel a bit let down by this, if for no other reason than that the excitement of 'the hunt' seems to be dying down (seeing as how I pretty much NEVER find anything I'm looking for anymore).

These days, I pretty much just pick up newer stuff, and then usually only when it's cheap. Things weren't quite what they used to be when I started collecting, and while it isn't BAD by any means, I fear it could be heading in that direction.

So...has this ever happened to anyone else? If so, how did you cope/deal with it? How do you all keep things interesting when it comes to game collecting?