Dahne: Well, I've gone all the way downtown to watch the ski jump publicity stunt (I love this city), I might as well look around downtown.

EBGames: *sings its siren song*

Dahne: Ooh, I need to get We Love Katamari soon.

Guy at the Counter: Since you don't have the controllers, we can only give you 5 bucks for it.

Shifty-looking Kid with a Cube: Oh. I guess I'll do it then.

Dahne: Dude, I'll give you $20.

Kid: Kay.

Guy at the Counter: *doesn't care*

Dahne: It works, right?

Kid: Yeah.

Dahne: *is so very, very gullible*

Cube: *is adorable*

Dahne: *Heads home, picking up a Wavebird and Eternal Darkness on the way*

Dahne: Why do I always like the games that have to do with insanity? Anyway, let's try this thing out.

Cube: *is hooked up*

Dahne: *hits the power button*

Cube: ...

Dahne: Come on...*checks the cords and hits power again*

Cube: ...

Dahne: Speak to me!

Cube: ...

Dahne: OH CRUEL FATE! WHY HAVE YOU...yeah, this is totally my own fault.


No light, no spinning disc, nothing. The Cube, she is silent. Could it just be a problem with the power cord? Is there any way to fix this? Is this what happens when you try to mess with The ManTM? Am I destined to be Cubeless?