Ok, I must follow up on my GP2X purchase:

The system looked ok, abeit somewhat cheap feeling. I had already expected this, as I would imagine the quality control coming from Gamepark Holdings would not be of the magnitude of say, Nintendo or Sony.

The system's joypad control absolutely STINKS. Probably the most un-ergonomic pad I have ever used. Your thumb feels like it has rug burn only after of few minutes of playing (or trying to) . The emulators (the ones available..DrMD and a few others I tried) look and work fine, but the controls really killed it for me. I guess if I want to *look* at a perfectly emulated Genesis game, it is ok.

And here's the real kicker. I played with the unit for a few hours, and out of nowhere the SD card refused to read. I re-booted, and it froze at the GP2X green load screen. I re-booted again, and it finally went back into the menu. From here, the SD card read again. I said to myself "ok, just a glitch", and just as I thought that, the screen started bleeding the graphics, flashed abit, and then died. That is all she wrote. And yes, I tried replacing the batteries with fresh ones as well.

I shipped the unit back to gp32z.com today. Hopefully I get a refund, as I have not been receiving replies from my various emails.

I purchased a PSP and downgraded it to v1.5. Emulation is excellent (almost everythingis now full speed/sound), the controls are what they should be, and I am pretty confident that it will not die on me after 2 hours of use.

I don't mean to come across as a GP2X hater so to speak, and I am sure others will not appreciate my opinion, but the system is just not worth the price...even if it did not die on me. In my eyes, the PSP is the ultimate emualtion portable as of now.