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Thread: Repairing a ps2 controller?

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  1. #1
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Default Repairing a ps2 controller?

    I've got a non-functional ps2 controller. Buttons don't work but when i open it up and test the contacts they work. However, most of the contacts for the buttons think they are either the X or O buttons (eg. meaning when i press either directions on the d-pad it functions as an X button)

    I can probably narrow down it down to a circuit board problem though. As where i'm from its humid and hot, and i tend to leave my controllers out in the open, i noticed that the analog sticks became sticky (like the rubber melted). Some of this 'melted' rubber might have seeped into the circuit board, and onto the contacts for the buttons causing the pad to not work.
    If i could get this 'melted' stuff of the board, i think i might be able to get the controller to work again.

    Ideas anyone?

    Now before anyone says "Why don't you buy a new one?", i will say that i could do that, but then that defeats the purpose of having this forum then.
    Also, i don't want to keep having to buy new controllers everytime something like this happens.
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  2. #2
    Alex (Level 15) InsaneDavid's Avatar
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    Good luck, I've had some similar problems with a PS2 controller...

    I ended up just trading it in as working for some store credit at a game store that had shafted me in the past.

  3. #3
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    yea your problem seems pretty similar to mine, except i hardly used this controller at all (at the most twice). Looking at the circuit board, there was some kind of leak coming from the connections of the analog sticks (which is from the melted rubber im assuming).
    Well since the controller's not working anyways i can play around with it and try to get it to work again.
    Will be posting up info if i do get it to work.
    - Bioshock (360)
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