Quote Originally Posted by Cmtz
I think MGS4 looked great and I would call it a good jump to get people to get the new systems. I can't wait for the ps3. Also where does the new Revolution controler play in this senerio?
Hmm good question

To be honest I would dare try to evaluate the possiblities of the Revolutions surprise success and fortune ( wich I do think is most likely to happen ) or the impact that the Revos controller might or might not have on the industry.

I will say that IMO the Revolution and its forward thinking controller has the potential to bring Nintendo into a market all their own that most likely will take Microsoft and Sony by surprise.

As far as the affect is has on the GC will be very little since the ol cube has been limping along for some time now and will continue to do so with most of the third party support coming from EA until TW princess arrives as the Gamecubes swan song.

I think the PS2 specifically will still be fairly well supported by third party publishers even after the Revo is released just as I stated that it will well into the first couple years of PS3.

Sony recently stated that it expects to have sold between 120 to 150 MILLION PS2s worldwide within the next couple years and I dont see that as TOO far fetched and the fact is that the PS2 reached the 100 Million mark in slightly over half the time that the original took 5 years (PS2) when compared to 9(PSone) years and the fact that the PS2 is still selling boatloads both in the U.S. and Japan at a steady rate shows continued interest and support in what will within the next year or so be a last generation system the difference being an incredibly still popular and now profitable-for Sony- last gen system.