Take a look:


They state their images are from their OWN auctions, yet the seller is only a 135. If they really listed that many GameBoy auctions, there Feedback would be a lot higher than that.

Secondly, some of those images have been grabbed from eBay themselves. You can tell because of the transparent camera watermark on the bottom left of some of the pics. Wouldnt you prepare making a collection of photos using your original work??? (Meaning no watermarks)??

Thirdly, if coming from the same seller... wouldnt the backgrounds of the pics be somewhat similar?? Granted, I haven't seen very many of the available ones (just the demo ones), but I bet you.. within the 2000+ pics... I'd bet anything there's about 100+ different backgrounds.

My thoughts: I think this seller has been accumulating these pics over a period of time from other people's auctions, and is trying to pass it off as his own copyrighted work.

If it truly is someone's copyrighted work, then why is there a watermark logo (one thats probably against their wishes) in the photos?
