I was looking at some prices in my recent treck to my local gamestop, and going over the different prices It made me think about the price of the technology vs. the Level of the "technology". I was wondering if we as the consumer were to blame for the absorbiatant prices of games. For instance, I was looking at some new games for PS2, and some were comming out at 29.99 and some 19.99, similar case for xbox, yet nintendo still has gameboy titles that come out at 29.99 and some cases 34.99. I know that 360 prices are high, for their games most at 59.99, however why should we pay 15 bucks less for something, thats based on 10 year old technology, I think the same can be said for PSP. But I was wondering where is the meter for how games should be priced. I don't beleive there is. Also, what (if anything) determines how a game should be priced, and if its not based on Technology, then what, I mean supply/demand? I was just mulling this over last week, so I figured I would get some of your thoughts on the matter.

--- p.s. I am sure there are alot of "sales and marketing" things, that come into play, but I was taking this from a 50,000 ft, perspective, just a BROAD overview of this. Thanks