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Thread: Lazy Developers

  1. #1
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Joker T's Avatar
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    Default Lazy Developers

    I'm sick of Beefed up versions of games on 360. I don't even have a 360 and it's pissing me off. Sure they may have better graphics but it's nowhere near the quality that comes from a game that was actually well designed and suited for 360. It would be fine if it was actually a big step up from Xbox but it isn't. Most of them are just high definition versions of games we can get on other systems.

    Look at Far Cry Instincts Predator. Just think in your mind for a second what Far Cry would be like designed from the ground up on 360 but instead we are getting the same gameplay experiences that we can get on Xbox with a $60 price tag.

    Xbox 360:


    The downside of course to making a really good version of a 360 game is that the current gen version (if there is one) will suffer. Look at Ghost Recon Advance War Fighter on 360 and than look at the Xbox one, the difference is scary. I just hope that the newer current generation games also coming out on 360 aren't as badly done.

    Xbox 360:


    This rant isn't against 360 in anyway. I could talk about lazy developers on PSP too.

  2. #2
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Ghost Recon on the 360 looks incredible, easily the best looking game on the 360, along with Oblivion.

    EDIT: Sorry, I can't read

  3. #3
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Joker T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LucidDefender
    Hahaha, sure Fary Cry is a sham of a port, but how would you claim ghost recon is? Ghost Recon on the Xbox is pretty bad according to all the reviews I've seen.

    Ghost Recon on the 360 looks incredible, easily the best looking game on the 360, along with Oblivion.
    I didn't claim Ghost Recon was. Read it over.

  4. #4
    Key (Level 9)
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    Well....although I'm no expert, I would think that developers haven't exactly had time to master the 360 yet. Rumble Roses and Dynasty Warriors, two brand new 360 games look like..... regular video games. Nothing to write home about in the graphics department for sure but they're playable and help to expand the library. As a 360 owner, I realize that I'm going to see plenty of mediocre games this year and oh well, what can you do?

    Even Oblivion isn't THAT super perfect(and yes I love playing it and have logged well over 100 hours on it thus far) but wait until the NEXT ElderScrolls game. It'll really BE next gen in every aspect. There's a 360 development movie preinstalled on the premium 360's hardrive that states that the 360 is far more powerful than any current PC that money can buy....but I have a sneaking suspicion that Oblivion looks way better on a PC.....for now.

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    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    How much better can it get? The software is definately behind the hardware. The problem is every gamers really expect to be blown away every time the next gen systems power up. The truth is until people see and control real life like people. Most wont be impressed. The WOW factor is no longer a factor for most. People are hard to impress.

    Alot of people look and go with the attitude been there done that. I am still impressed at what the regular xbox is still doing. For instance I purchased ninja gaiden black.
    I tossed it in the xbox and let it run the demo. and I must say that that game to me is without a doubt 360 quality I
    almost didn't buy it, but I am glad I did.

    If I could do half the things the demo was doing then it's well worth it.

    To me a good bit of the next gen games pull me in.
    From the 2k6 to oblivion. The 2k6 is a port but the overall atmospheric enhancement provided by the 360 make all the difference.

    I meet a guy today at one of the stores he was complaining about the 360 not blowing him away. All the will he is playing it on a regular tv. This sorta defeats the purpose.
    It all comes down to gameplay. We are going through a time when innovation is seriously lacking. Peoples expectations need to come down quite abit. Sony's guilty of the propaganda. They showed killzone 2. This lead alot of people and definately fanboys to think these type of graphics are coming in the next year. Things will get better but everybody wont be happy someone will find some reason to complain.

    One final note and I am guilty of it. To many people do not give games a chance. They pop it in play the first level dont like it and all of a sudden the game sucks. We need to beat the game digest what we played and then pass judgement.
    neo geo system

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdc
    Well....although I'm no expert, I would think that developers haven't exactly had time to master the 360 yet. Rumble Roses and Dynasty Warriors, two brand new 360 games look like..... regular video games.
    Actually i have to disagree with you. Rumble Roses, despite it's many glaring flaws, does have a beautiful self-shadow system.

  7. #7
    ServBot (Level 11) kedawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gepeto
    I meet a guy today at one of the stores he was complaining about the 360 not blowing him away. All the will he is playing it on a regular tv. This sorta defeats the purpose.
    No, it doesn't defeat the purpose at all.
    I hear this comment all the time and it's complete BS.
    The fact that the 360 so far only offers hi-def versions of what would otherwise be XBOX games is certainly leading a lot of people to think this way, unfortunately.

    Anyone who plays PC games can tell you that resolution isn't everything. As long as I can tell the difference between realtime in-game graphics and pre-rendered CG, there's plenty of room for graphical improvement at standard resolution.

    And that's to say nothing of the potential improvements that could be made to physics, A.I., audio, etc.

    XBOX 360 games are suffering from the same issues that plagued the early releases for Sega Saturn or PS2, namely the unfamiliar nature of the hardware architecture. Now having said that, the XBOX360 is a much better designed system than either of those examples, but the fact that multi-threaded programming is still a new field, even in the PC world, is making life very complicated for developers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kedawa
    Quote Originally Posted by gepeto
    I meet a guy today at one of the stores he was complaining about the 360 not blowing him away. All the will he is playing it on a regular tv. This sorta defeats the purpose.
    No, it doesn't defeat the purpose at all.
    I hear this comment all the time and it's complete BS.
    The fact that the 360 so far only offers hi-def versions of what would otherwise be XBOX games is certainly leading a lot of people to think this way, unfortunately.

    Anyone who plays PC games can tell you that resolution isn't everything. As long as I can tell the difference between realtime in-game graphics and pre-rendered CG, there's plenty of room for graphical improvement at standard resolution.

    And that's to say nothing of the potential improvements that could be made to physics, A.I., audio, etc.

    XBOX 360 games are suffering from the same issues that plagued the early releases for Sega Saturn or PS2, namely the unfamiliar nature of the hardware architecture. Now having said that, the XBOX360 is a much better designed system than either of those examples, but the fact that multi-threaded programming is still a new field, even in the PC world, is making life very complicated for developers.
    It's very true that many games don't look that spectacular in SD over HDTV because they're just HD upgrades like Gun, but some 360 titles are actually hurt by the lack of HD.

    DOA4 is a shining example. In HD it's unbeleiveable, but in SD a lot of the subtle details are lost because there just aren't enough pixels in SD to render the detail.

    But things like PGR3 and FN Round 3 should still be mind-bogglingly impressive even in SD.

  9. #9
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    Quote Originally Posted by kedawa
    Quote Originally Posted by gepeto
    I meet a guy today at one of the stores he was complaining about the 360 not blowing him away. All the will he is playing it on a regular tv. This sorta defeats the purpose.
    No, it doesn't defeat the purpose at all.
    I hear this comment all the time and it's complete BS.
    The fact that the 360 so far only offers hi-def versions of what would otherwise be XBOX games is certainly leading a lot of people to think this way, unfortunately.

    Anyone who plays PC games can tell you that resolution isn't everything. As long as I can tell the difference between realtime in-game graphics and pre-rendered CG, there's plenty of room for graphical improvement at standard resolution.

    And that's to say nothing of the potential improvements that could be made to physics, A.I., audio, etc.

    XBOX 360 games are suffering from the same issues that plagued the early releases for Sega Saturn or PS2, namely the unfamiliar nature of the hardware architecture. Now having said that, the XBOX360 is a much better designed system than either of those examples, but the fact that multi-threaded programming is still a new field, even in the PC world, is making life very complicated for developers.
    I am not saying that High resolution is everything. Nor am I saying that there arent any terrible ports out there. Game makers are getting lazy. Even ea admiitted something needs to be done.

    What I am saying is that the high def era gaming definately Can pull you into the environment much better. When done right.

    My defeat the purpose statement was based on the fact that the xbox 360 was built for the high def tv. So complaining about the graphics while playing on a standard tv is not being fair to the 360. The only 360 game that looked next gen to him was fight night. Then he said he played it on the ps2 and it was close to it as well.

    You just can't please everybody. 2 people looking at the same thing sees things differently.
    neo geo system

  10. #10
    ServBot (Level 11) kedawa's Avatar
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    I see your point, and many games rely on the higher resolution to provide the graphical improvement, as opposed to working on improving lighting, shader effects, anti-aliasing, animation, etc.

    And I certainly wouldn't claim that going from HD to SD doesn't take away from the quality. Even old PC games like Quake benefit from high resolution displays.

    My point is that games don't yet look as good as something like The Polar Express, even when they're being viewed on the same low-resolution screen.

  11. #11
    Bell (Level 8) sabre2922's Avatar
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    THIS is why im sticking with current gen for until MGS 4 is released or the first 360/PS3 price drop OR if the Revolution is $199 at launch then the Revo will be my first next gen system.

    The only valid reasons (for me anyway) as to wanting to "upgrade" to a next-gen system this time around is to play the new Metal Gears/Silent Hills/Resident Evils/Metroids/Zeldas NOT for slightly prettier or SHINY ports of current gen games.

    Most of my friends cant tell much difference between current gen games and the current batch of 360 games even though most of them are "casual" gamers this next-gen just hasnt been the graphical jump in graphics like there was back in the transition period between the PSX-to-Dreamcast/PS2 days.

  12. #12
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    I'm sorry, but the texture quality on that shack in the water is just horrible. Elder Scrolls makes me smile though, and I haven't even played it ><

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