I'd accept your points if the product were on the shelf for the past three years, but the NAME has only been announced for THREE DAYS. You want me to go tell someone they want a product that doesn't even exist yet?

Nintendo is going to have aboslutley MAJOR advertising campaigns surround this machine, before, during, and after launch. They're going to push this name into our brains that the Wii is a gaming machine. It's had absolutely no time to brand itself. I don't know how this point is escaping anyone. THREE DAYS. It's not going for mass market appeal until it's available. The hardcore will snatch the thing up at launch and when they replenish stock they'll come back and do their best to make everyone who doesn't play games want one.

Nintendo doesn't need to market to gamers, the news sites do it all for them. It's rampantly obvious that Nintendo is following the Apple model of product design and to think that they'd do anything other than copy their marketing design is pretty silly, even their tone in the announcement reeks of Apple. Nintendo will absolutely push this to the point where the consumer is going to want one just because they see it on TV every four minutes.

I'm still just blown away that after the name of a product has been announced for three days so many are just declaring it dead in the water. And what's even more baffling is the only "reason" this is even being declared is because "the name is dumb."