It's coming. You all know it is. 10, 20 years from now (maybe even earlier), games will start being released ONLY for download. That means we won't be able to have actual hard copies for our games... No more game cases, manuals and discs - just digital copies stored on some kind of storage medium.

I'm really dreading those days. On one hand, it will make it a lot easier to play games than switching discs - but on the other, this will completely ruin collecting, and the used game industry. Future generations of systems won't have anything to display, no fancy boxes or manuals to put up on the shelf. It'll be harder to preserve games in the future because hard copies won't be available, and the digital copies will likely be unable to be backed up.

Is anyone else hoping those days never come? I, for one, enjoy going to the store and buying a new game, then proudly putting it on my shelf with the rest of my games. I find it fun to look at my shelf full of feels like I've accomplished something.