I need to buy one of those books. I have a pattern that will get me to the 7th or 8th key... but then the ghosts finally catch on. Maybe there's one in that book that works for those later boards.

My highest score ever is somewhere around 275,000. Never have beaten Dad yet tho... he used to regularly score over 300,000 back in the day.

BTW, as far as strategies go, practice grouping the ghosts together before eating a power pellet. It always helps when you don't have to go running all over the board to track them down. That's definitely where all the points are. And since you're only going for 15,000, forget about eating the fruits. They're not worth the effort in the early levels... and you might get chomped in the process of going after them.

Just keep cool and learn the patterns of each ghost. Blinky (the red one) will chase you anywhere... effectively making him the most dangerous. Pinky (the pink one... durr) loves to take an alternate path and cut you off... effectively trapping you between himself and Blinky, so be wary of him suddenly breaking from the chase and going down a different path. He's usually planning a road block somewhere else. Inky (the blue one) is kinda shy. Sometimes, you can stare him down, and he'll actually break off down a different path... away from you. He's a wuss when it comes to face-offs. Finally, Clyde (the yellow one) just basically pokes around. He doesn't necessarilly chase you like the others do. Instead, he'll kinda wander into you. Sometimes it's a good thing cuz he'll change direction and go away for no reason. Other times, he wanders right into your path. All in all though... Clyde is the least of your worries.

Best of luck to ya! May the fruit be with you.