Quote Originally Posted by Ed Oscuro View Post
Lots of love for the DS, but what about the PSP? Did everybody forget about the newest Ghouls 'n Ghosts?
Someone mentioned it before I did, but yeah I think the new Ghouls 'n Ghosts is proof that 2D games are still very much alive, and can be just as great as 3D games, if not better. Sonic Rush should also be mentioned, since Sonic is in the spotlight for 3D nextgen style gaming is ruining a once great franchise.

As for the platforming elements, I enjoy them for the most part. Games that take themselves seriously are great, but I don't think that every game should be like a novel. Hell, that's a very scary thought.

So a big "hooray!" for 2D gaming. And a big "hooray!" for platforming elements, if you ask me.