It's kinda scrunched together and disorganized, but if you look hard enough you might find something in there for ya.

Saturn Games (complete unless otherwise noted)
Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge
Sonic R
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
Darius Gaiden
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
Street Fighter Alpha (disc only)
(I will only sell the Saturn games, since I am looking to replace them with the Japanese versions. Of course, Doom and Williams Hits don't fall under that rule.)
Sega CD Games (both complete)
Sonic CD
Ecco 2: The Tides of Time
Sony Playstation Street Fighter Collection (sell only; no trades)
TurboGrafx CD Valis III
Playstation Trackball made by Nyko (BRAND NEW)
Mega Man computer game by Hi-Tech Expressions
-Made in 1990
-Box is in terrible shape, but the 2 discs (1 is 3 1/4", the other is 5 1/2") and instructions are in great condition.
-Good if you're a Mega Man completist...
1 complete, near-mint Genesis game: Fantasia
Genesis XBand Modem
32X Games:
Doom (cart only)
Shadow Squadron (cart only)
Star Wars Arcade (complete)
Virtua Racing Deluxe (complete)
Neo Geo Pocket Game: SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighter's Clash Capcom Version (U.S., complete)
Game Gear Castle of Illusion
Atari 2600 Supercharger tape: Escape From the Mindmaster
NES QuikShot joystick
Final Fantasy 7 action figure boxed set
Final Fantasy 7 Red XIII figure on cardboard
Super Mario 64 Wing Cap Mario beanbag
Yoshi Beanbag

Reply to this message if interested. Or send a message to

Edit: Maybe it would help if I actually listed what I'm looking for.....well, currently I am all about SATURN IMPORTS and WONDERSWAN GAMES, and I am also interested in CASH so I can buy the aforementioned Saturn imports and Wonderswan games. ^_^

Edit: I'm also looking for Kirby's Dream Course and Kirby's Avalanche for SNES, the Nintendo 64 Transfer Pak (the thing that takes Game Boy carts) and Nintendo 64 games.