I recently got these two carts, and I'm trying to figure out if they're rare or what.

First we have this thing. It's made by Thin Chen Corporation, which is also known as Sachen. I believe it's Taiwan Mahjong, at least according to that link. The back label says that the product code is 'SA-001', which is confirmed by said link.

The second cart is this one:

Apparently it's Chinese Chess, but again, there's little info on this. I've only found ONE site, and it's Japanese, apparently dedicated to reviewing pirate games.

Does anyone here own these games? Any clue how they play, how much they're worth, or if they even got English releases? I don't own a NES console, let alone a Famicom adaptor, so I really don't know much about these games.

(There's also that 72 cart I found, but it's late and I'll scan the label in the morning.)