Do you know a teacher (not in the hobby) who still runs education apps on her Apple ][? How about a business you know of that has to periodically access old customer records from VisiCalc? Let's hear some stories or riveting anecdotes about classic computers you've seen that are still up and running out in the real world.

To narrow things down a bit, exclude your own machines. Obviously if you didn't like old computers you wouldn't be in this forum :P. For added challenge, try to limit sightings to machines you've seen running after the year 2000. The turn of the century is as good a cutoff as any.

Here's one to start:

-The senior pastor of my brother's church, age 102 (really, she's 102), is still running the magic show with an original IBM PC. She's got sermon notes, bible software, congregation rolls etc. all going back 25 years and tucked away into something like a 10MB hard drive.

Keep them coming...