As you know, we Mac users are always getting the shaft (e.g. there is no Mac version of Kazaa; the Hotrod joystick won't work on a Mac; etc, etc.). It's especially frustrating this time because there's a program I really want to use, and there's no Mac version. I bought a Cuttle Cart a while back, with the intention of eventually getting a computer with a CD burner, so I could convert my 2600 roms from bin to wav format, and burn them onto a CD. I just recently did get a nice new (Mac) computer and was all set to do just that, and then when I went to the site that has the makewav utility, discovered that it was PC only. Argh. However, I did write Chad Schell, author of the Cuttle Cart (and a very friendly and personable guy to boot!), and he suggested that I might try using a Windows emulator for Mac.

Hmm, that's intriguing. A Google search did confirm that yes, those things do exist and they appear to work. Before I plop down any cash and download anything, can anyone here recommend any particular one? Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Any info is appreciated.