Well last night while at the local gamestop buying a used wavebird controller I convinced my girlfriend to pick up Atelier Iris. She has been interested in playing an RGB after watching me go through so many, but wanted to play something "classic" on a current console (still not sure why she scoffed at my suggestion to play FFIII).

Needless to say I haven't been able to get near my PS2 since. She's nuts for it.

So I want to know if there are any other RPG's out for the current generation that have the same classic feel? She's into turn based right now because it's a bit easier for her (she's gotten discouraged in the past with action RPG games where she couldn't master the controlsl fast enough to keep up with hectic combat). Also something that not extrmemly long, maybe 30 hours or less to complete.

Mainly I'm just looking for 16-bit ish RPGs. Like I said turn based preffered, but real time would be cool as long as the conbat isn't overly difficult/complex.

She's just starting out it what I think is a great genre, and I don't want her to get discouraged and swear them off because she tried to tackle something like DQ VIII in a wekkend but couldn't.

And I plan to keep working on her to try and get her to play actual 16 bit RPGs