I will try to give a good description.

First game. I keep thinking it's Xenophope. But, not even close.

It was a 3rd person shooter. That means you see your character right?

Any way. 2 players if I am not mistaken can play at the same time.

The screen splits horizontally. So player 1 shows on the top of the screen and player 2 shows on the bottom of the screen.

Forgive me. It's only been 20 to 25 years since i played it.

Think it is controlled by a joystick and a fire button. No gun involved.

You go through a maze type situation and shoot aliens.

Decent graphics for the time.

That's about all I can think of. Probably not enough info.

Next one is a car race game. 4 players in a table top configuration.

You see the race track from above.

If you play solo you have to come in first to advance. If there are multiple players you can come in 2nd and still advance.

After each race you can spend money to ugrade your engine and other components. Which is good because you engines blow quite often.

No I am not think of Off Road. That is with trucks and isn't a table top game. At least I never saw one.

Anyone who can figures out what the heck I am talking about deserves and award if the can guess one or both of them.