Here is the description that he gave. If anyone can help, just let me know! Thanks!


When I was younger I remember for Christmas my brother and I got these electronic games, and for the life of me I can't remember what they were called, and don't know where to begin. Basically it was a battery operated mechinical toy/game where there was a screen, but what was displayed on it was images underneath the screen, that ran on "conveyor" belts. The game involved firing missles up, at planes (I *think*).

You pressed a button and the missile would fire up, and if you looked closely you could see the clear belt, with a missile/rocket painted on it, rotate up. I think if you hit the target a red explosion type light would flash where the impact was. There was a high score counter that looked similar to an odometer on a car, that counted up. You could push a button to reset the highscore, if I'm not mistaken.

I think there was also a race car game too. Either way I don't remember the name(s) of these games, or who made them. Any help would be appreciated.