I'm just curious because I only have a few gaming friends I talk with on a fairly regular basis.

Do any of you struggle with getting into "newer" video games? When I say "newer" I mean titles coming out for the PS3/360/Wii/DS/PSP.

I even had a hard time getting excited about any titles in the last generation of systems --- to me, as a gamer who had his most in-depth gaming time in the early to late 90s, I feel like I've seen all there is gameplay wise. Newer games may be prettier...and some may have somewhat "new" concepts (The Wiimote is a novel idea in my opinion but games have been using motion-type control for years just in maybe limited form - Samba De Amigo, DC Fishing Controller, DK Bongo Set, etc.) but in all honesty, I don't really get excited by these newer games.

I'm feeling like maybe this is why I find more pleasure in collecting now than actual game playing. It's hard for me to sit down and play hours with a Wii or stay glued to Elder Scrolls Oblivian.

Maybe I'm just weird