Check out what one of the posters over at GameFAQs has discovered.

Apparently this is for real, as many people there and at the Score Hero forums have been able to pull this off. This is going to kill the online leaderboards for this game.

If you don't want to read the whole GF topic, and I don't blame you for not wanting to, let me summarize. You go to the practice mode and pick any section(s) of any song. Just as your practice session is about to end, right before the results screen comes up, you pull out your controller cord. The "you're rocking too hard" screen will pop up. When you plug your controller back in, if you did it right, the fretboard will continue to scroll with no notes. You then press start and exit out of practice. Go to career and pick any song you want. No matter what song you pick, the song you picked in practice is what will play. The computer will play the whole song, except for the actual sections you picked in practice. That is all you have to play. It'll even play at whatever speed you chose.

Once the song is over, you will get 100%. If you pick song sections that allow you to play at least around 50-60 notes, you'll also get five stars. This is enough to allow anyone to get the achievements for 5*ing all expert songs and beating Jordan. If someone wanted to take the time, they could also set the glitch up to play something big like, say, X-Stream, the whole song, on whatever speed they felt comfortable with, and play that over something where you wouldn't normally be able to score over 400k, like Trogdor. Then, guess what? You've got over 400k on Trogdor, and every other song you want to do this with. This blows the leaderboards' credibility to shreds.

Worse part is, the apparently works with both the 360 and PS2 versions of GHII and also GH: Encore. Someone at Harmonix fell asleep at the wheel for this one, and it looks like all of us who worked our butts off to get good scores are gonna be the ones who pay. I feel especially sorry for anyone who legitimately got the Jordan achievement. I can't even come close to that one, and it's a real mark of how good a player you are to get it. Now any old tool can cheat and get it.