As of this year, both the Mega Man and street Fighter series are now 20 years old. Sure many games in each of these series may not be all that different from the previous entries, but they are still some of my fav franchises in all of gaming.

I got hooked on the Mega Man series with Mega Man 2 in the Summer of '89. Played it at a friend's house on a Sunday afternoon. He let me borrow it for a while and I've been a huge fan ever since.

My first exposure to Street Fighter was the SNES version of Street Fighter II. Until then, I'd never played or seen anything like it. Hadoken, Shoryukens, 100 Handslaps, Yoga Flames, man, what a game! Spent many afternoons trying to take down the Balrog, Vega, Sagat and Bison. Ah, good times.