So, after hearing everybody talk about great finds at flea markets, I decided to go to one this morning. I found a big one downtown Chicago (Buyer's Flea Market), got up at 6:30, and was the first person at the door. I asked around several places for "old video games", and nobody had anything.

I was finally directed to this one guy sitting alone at a table with a few boxes lying around. I asked him if he had any old Nintendo games, and he pulled out about 10 crappy Nintendo 64 games, 3 NES games with crappy labels (TMNT, Platoon, and something else -- marked $5 each), and 1 SNES game (Super Mario World -- marked $10). He had some other more modern stuff I wasn't interested in. Finally, he had a Nintendo 64 console with a gold controller, so I thought I'd at least get the controller (I didn't want to go away empty-handed), but he didn't want to sell the controller separately, and he was asking $30 for the console. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything from him.

So, that was a pretty sucky morning, and it kind of turned me off of flea markets. Does anybody know of any worthwhile places to go in the Chicago area? I saw that there were three flea markets in Aurora, IL, but that's over an hour drive, and I don't want to bother going if they're going to be as disappointing as this experience.

Maybe there's nobody here from the area, but I just thought I'd ask.