I got this message on eBay in regards to an auction I have for some boxed Genesis games, with Street Fighter II SCE in the lot. Anyone have any insight as to what this person is thinking of? I sure don't. Spelling and grammar errors left intact for your 'entertainment'.

"hi oobgarm my question is about the street fighter game i have been looking for this game for a long time i do not know if it is in the super nintendo system or in the sega genesis system, but to me it is in the sega genesis, a better description of this game is that when ryu or ken thow the upper cut they release a lot of fire balls and i mean a lot that one upper cut would be enough to kill the enemy in that roun if he does not put any defense. It is the only game of all street fighter games where ryu or ken are able to release a lot of fire balls when they throw the upper cut, and i think that this game is between item number 270165772406. please send me information about this because i am looking to buy street fighter games and the systems for them thank you."