Anybody out there ever just pick up something "just because it's there"?. Basically what I am asking here is:
1. What's the best impulse buy you ever made? (In terms of best price, best time to buy, best friend/family member to acquire it from, etc), and :

2. What's the worst impulse buy you ever made? (Way overpriced, bought something that was DOA, beyond your financial means, etc.)

I think my best was Stadium Events for NES. Bought it via Evilbay for $500 buy-it-now several years ago. Basically had to beg borrow and steal to come up with the money (I bought it without actually HAVING the money yet. I figured, I've got seven whole days to pay for this thing, I'll figure out something. Thankfully, I did.) Of course, we all know what that's more or less worth NOW. So, in my humble opinion, it was a GOOD impulse purchase.

My worst? Well, some here may argue with me on this one, but I picked up a Neo AES 3 or 4 years ago at a game store. Spent $250 for a boxed system (1 controller), and another $80 for 2 games (no, not Metal Slug). Riding Hero, and Fatal Fury. Before everybody hits "reply" and flames me for saying a Neo is a "bad" purchase, let me try and explain. I really didn't have the money at the time to buy it, but it was the first and ONLY time I have EVER seen a Neo "in the wild". Secondly, knowing full well that games are tough to come by, as well as stupidly expensive (in the average gaming world), I STILL bought the damn thing. And third, as if I didn't have enough to collect for, now I have another (and very expensive) addition to collect games for. It is for these reasons I say it was a "bad" impulse buy. If I could go back and do it all over again....Well, I'd still buy it. I guess that's why we are collectors.

Who's next??