Quote Originally Posted by Nature Boy
A game that puzzles me is Fantavision. Lousy game, launch day title (so the installed base is low), so you'd figure it would've had a short run, and yet it's still for sale *everywhere* (at $10). Can't give the thing away (I still haven't got one).
You see it everywhere for the same reason you see huge piles of almost every other PS2 launch title -- because third parties manufactured tons of games in anticipation of huge sales, and were badly burned by the PS2 "hardware shortage." Also, the only two PS2 launch titles that sold in anysignificant quantities were Madden (tons) and SSX (quite a bunch). Everything else flopped hard. Trust me on this -- our launch title at Working Designs, Gungriffon Blaze, was the second-worst-selling of the batch, beating out only Q-Ball.

-- Z.