Happy New Year, let's kick off 2008...

After being rained out two weeks ago and not being open last week due to Christmas, I was looking forward to the Tuesday flea market today. However the whole thing was socked in with fog and moisture and was only operating at about 1/40th usual capacity. Although there were next to no vendors, the flea market gods still smiled upon me...

Tomy Scramble VFD tabletop, $1.00. It was from one of the junk resellers who wasn't even unloading his trailer, just letting people pick through what he had. Scramble was atop one of the piles at the side, covered with filth and contained dead (but not leaky) batteries. Cleaned her up, tested with both fresh batteries and a power adapter and it works great. Sadly that was the only thing even worth looking at there today but a $1.00 VFD tabletop is fine by me.