Yes! Finally a few update for the upcoming September OKGE. First there has been a relocation for this show. Suffice it to say that I am getting more interest in the show than I had originally planned for so I had to find a larger facility. Good news is the new facility is much larger, nicer, and generally more suited for something like this.

Additionally a few more exhibitors have agreed to attend. Including Shane Kukiattikoon who is hosting the $1000 SNES Super Mario Kart Challenge has agreed to bring his challenge to OKGE! We are working on getting more vendors at this point as we pretty much have the sponsorships complete. I also plan to have at least one or two tables setup for those wishing to bring dupes to the show for trade. I encourage all who would like to attend to please look over the website once more and email if you wish to reserve a table ASAP!

Hope to see you all there!