Hey Joe, I wanted to make a Rarity list for the Dragon 32, but I checked and I have neither access or excel. Strange but true. Is there anyway someone could send me one, or could I make one and email it to you and you submit one? Or has someone already finished the task already? Let me know and I still want to do it because I feed kind of bummed for not being able to help you out like I said.

I also have a really crazy I dea for the online lists and upcoming guides. What if there was prototype game systems in the guide, maybe in a separate section. Something not very elaborate, just a one or two page summary as usual and a page listing the system and any proto carts that are floating around for it, for example Atari Cosmos and the Game Brain, I know there at least a few unreleased games around for it, and I'm sure there a few more systems around that never were released. I know Joe Blow collector would never own one of these or ever see them in the first place, so does this sound good or am just whacked?
