Today my cousin and I were trying to play our 360. The game started up fine, but we let it sit for a while (probably just around 5 minutes). As we were watching T.V. we heard the disc drive grinding. We quickly turned it off. We let it sit for a little while, 2 or 3 minutes, and turned it on. We took out the disc and saw it looked fine, so we figured it just was a one time glitch. Well we would have played, but the disc tray would not stay closed. After being closed it would open a few seconds later. Turning it off would sometime close the disc tray, but most of the time it would stay open.

We looked at the disc tray closely and noticed it wiggled a little bit. Nothing is obstructing the disc tray so we're a little confused. We usually have our console horizontal, but we did see what happened when it was vertical. Needless to say, we got the same results. If anyone knows what's wrong or how much it will cost to send it in please tell.
