i recently decided to go through my massive ps1 collection and catalog everything, including value. I do not intend to sell any games, ever, i just want to have a rough idea of the value for two reasons:

1 - i can claim it on my homeowners insurance so if my house burns down, i would be able to get enough money to start rebuilding the collection again.
2 - As a collector i just want to know... it would be cool to know how much money i have sitting on these shelves, ya know?

So anyways i couldnt think of any easy ideas for figuring price, so im relying on EBAY. I basically do a search by title, BUY IT NOW only (auctions are not a good source because many start out way cheap, or if its between a couple fanboys the prices get TOO HIGH).

I pick only ones that show real photos and are of the same quality as mine (Aka black label, excellent condition, complete set, etc etc). I then add up ALL of the prices of the games that match, and divide by the number of matches. In high school this was called the "Mean" i believe, correct? I then figure that this number is right in the middle and safe to consider its estimated value.

is that a good way? here is an example of what my database pages look like, and the value i got for "Rival Schools United Be Fate" using this method, which is somewhere in the middle of my collection (value wise):


Im just using Excel, and i threw in all the game information and stuff just for fun and to make it feel like a REAL database. any opinions?

sorry if this post is too long, just wanted some advice