I have to brag because I'm absolutely enamoured at myself. My first accomplishment came a few days ago, I actually complete Level 9 B type height 5 because I heard about the great ending screen you get when you finish it. Here's a pic, notice all the Nintendo characters, Pitt, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Samus, Link and Peach. Never knew it existed until I finished B 9-5

My more serious accomplishment and one of the true landmarks of my gaming career was just a bit ago when I got hyped over some youtube videos and decided to finally complete mode B Level 19. I would constantly get around 20 lines and bust so I played about an hour and a half and finally after like 15 years or more of playing this game I finally did it, I woke my wife up in the process and she was not too happy but I didn't care, one of my most serious goals was finished.

I'm just curious to see what anyone else has accomplished on these boards Tetris wise, and those youtube videos are insane, there's a guy who gets to level 29 from level 19, just crazy!

I'm actually still in shock, anyways post any great accomplishments on Tetris you've done as well.