My younger brother gave Shining in the Holy ark, Sega Ages, Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands, and Darius Gaiden for Christmas.

Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands works fine, but I have a problem.

I had problems getting Sega Ages to load in my system. The Version of Shining of the Holy Ark couldn't load on my system, but My younger brother's version of Shining of the Holy Ark works on my system with no issue.

Darius Gaiden didn't work my system either. My younger brother's version didn't work on my system either.

The catch is all the games My younger brother bought for me for Christmas works on his Sega Saturn. He tried them again after I told him I had problems with the games and they still work on his system with no problem.

I decided to check all 16 saturn games I own before today. I found out one out my 2 copies of Virtua cop can't load. It wasn't that case before I tried it out.