There was a time when I looked forward to new games. I would buy them upon release, play them all day and all night until I had them beat, and then play them over again. I’m not sure what it was but when the Dreamcast died my enthusiasm for gaming withered. I still enjoyed everything from the 2600 through the DC but new games just didn’t seem to excite me the way they had before.

I still went on and bought my Game Cube, PS2 and Xbox and tons of games for each of them. I had the most for the PS2 (around 90ish). Anytime I saw a game that I thought would appeal to me, I would check out reviews and trailers for some info, or I would rent it first, and if I thought it was worth it I would pick it up (same thing I have done all my life). But regardless whatever game it was I always just thought it was “ok”. Yeah it was somewhat enjoyable while I was playing it but when the system turned off the game left my mind. It felt like I was playing the game just to kill time because I had nothing better to do. Then it might be a few days or even weeks before I would sit back down and play the game again.

Gaming has always been a HUGE part of my life and I was depressed and jaded that the excitement just didn’t seem to be there anymore for new games. Since 2001 there have only been 2 games that I have truly loved (they shall remain anonymous). After investing thousands of dollars on the PS2, GC, and Xbox and in return only found 2 games that I thought were worthwhile, I told myself “This is it!” I would continue to buy older games and systems, but I would never again buy a new system.

Then I saw the trailer for Bullet Witch! Regardless, I stayed true to my word and refused to buy a new system. However, I constantly watched the trailer for Bullet Witch and checked out new screenshots and any bit of info I could find as its release drew near. All I talked about with my girlfriend was Bullet Witch this and Bullet Witch that. I’m sure she got tired of hearing about it but she pretended to care Finally it was released and the reviews rolled in…… need I explain? The first game to spark my interest in years and everyone seemed to agree… it sucked…

Fast forward (2 years?) and my girlfriend bought me a 360 for V. day (she’s too good to me). The first game I bought was, you guessed it, Bullet Witch! But I found myself hesitant to try it out. What if I didn’t like it? The ENTIRE reason that I wanted a 360 was resting on this game. I held my breath, put the game in the tray and let it load.

BULLET WITCH IS THE BEST DAMN GAME I HAVE PLAYED IN 7 OR 8 YEARS!!! It’s been a long time coming. I’m so happy!!! It has completely REIVIGORATED my spirit for gaming! I just beat the game a few hours ago and now I’m going back through it again on a different difficulty level. It’s been years since I have been so enthusiastic about a game. These past few days I have been getting up early to squeeze in a game before work, and when I was at work I was constantly thinking about how to pass the level that I was stuck on. Then when I got home, after waking my girlfriend and seeing her off to work, I would sit down and play for a few hours.

I realize that most people didn’t find Bullet Witch very good, and that’s okay, to each their own. But I absolutely LOVE it!!! I’m just so happy that I am excited about a new game again. I’m sure I could keep ranting and raving but I said all I needed to say!