Well, I decided to do a little Sega Master System emulating on the PC today to play a few of my favorite oldies. I fired up MekaW, but am still plagued with the same slowdown/sound issues I always have been since moving to a win32 environment (winxp) and decided to try some of the other emulators I have here. Dega is good, but seems to lock up here and there, especially when I try to TV-Out the video card. ChaSMS is still a great emulator, but with no zip support I really didn't feel like mass unzipping all of my roms...and besides, it has no lightgun or 3-D glasses support. Kega is pretty good, but there were still some emulation problems here as well. Welp, I decided to try FreezeSMS again. I played with it a little when it was released over a year ago, and for some reason was just turned off by it. Perhaps because it seemed so bulky at the time. Not so! This emulator is DEAD ON. Perfect SMS emulation, as well as GG and and Colecovision emulation. It even has NES support, but with no sound...but I wasn't looking for a NES emulator anyway. There is so much here to enjoy. Zip rom support, light gun and 3-d glasses emulation, multiple BIOS support (included with the emulator!) and a nice feature to download screenshots/cheats/tips/walkthroughs for whatever game you have highlighted on the select screen. I really can't believe I passed this one by for so long. It is now my emulator of choice for the SMS/GG and Colecovision! Works great on this end with Winxp and DX9. I urge you all to try it:


Ohh...and I forgot one other nice feature. Pro Action Reply is built in