Include any you want, if you want to include the games that strayed from the main series go ahead, personally i'm just rating best to worst based on the main games.

My Opinion:

Resident Evil 1 - Playstation

(Not the remake, not the DS version, not the Director's Cut, the original real deal! If it wasn't for this one, then well, there wouldn't be anymore, it's simple as that, not to mention from beginning to end the game is still a classic, even with all the B movie cheese.)

Resident Evil : Code Veronica - Dreamcast

(Personally never played X on ps2, so can't judge based on it. Code Veronica "imo" was just great! The story fit and was intriguing and the game had some really frigtening and freaky moments, from beginning to end it was every bit as good as the original, actually better I think, but the original has to be #1 .)

Resident Evil 5 - PS3/360

(Ever since Veronica this is the game I have been waiting for! Ties up loss ends and puts the series back on track! Has a next gen flair that ups the gameplay but also hampers the experience a tad bit, not much, i'm all for more gameplay in games these days especially since they cost so much. Story wins the day here in the long run.)

Resident Evil 2 - Playstation

(Great follow up, instant classic, the only reason I didn't rate it higher is cause it sticks to a more basic story and doesn't really expand terribly much on the story, though it does up the ante enough to come above others and the game is paced to perfection.)

Resident Evil 0 - Gamecube

(This one helps make the story more intriguing, only reason it didn't beat 2 is cause the pacing isn't quite as good imo. Kinda a companion piece.)

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - Playstation

(Typical story, a bit of a cookie cutter sequel, though the Nemesis is scary/funny and makes it more interesting it just doesn't stack up to the rest in the series.)

Resident Evil 4 - Gamecube

(Never played the PS2 or Wii version, based on Gamecube cause that's what version I played..anyway...this is last on the list. Really all that can be said is that "at the time" the game was fun to play, it was a new experience and a pretty cool one "except for the end which was dog poo" just doesn't hold water. Story is a head slapper and the game is "imo" just kinda a cash-in. Ridiculous mini games "though fun" a silly vendor and just more of a Rob Zombie vibe the game just wasn't scary. Really liked it at the time, but now I just don't think it fits in with the series well at all.)