Quote Originally Posted by Cornelius View Post
Today I went to my first garage sale of the season (I guess it was more of a moving sale, though), and was not disappointed. It helped that the one we went to had playstation and "ninetendo" stuff listed in its CL ad. They also had Lego stuff listed. I'll get to that in a minute. We got there at 10 to nine (ad said 9am start) and there were cars lining the street on both sides already. It was definitely a lot more people than I expected, but it is early in the season and there aren't a lot of sales yet, so that concentrates people.

Most of the sale was inside the house, and it was a total feeding frenzy on the Lego stuff. These people easily had 5-10 grand worth of lego sets, mostly Star Wars. We're talking the big death star, star destroyers, millennium falcon, tie interceptor, y-wing, and new star wars vehicles that I don't know the names of. That's just the big stuff! There were tons and tons of smaller and medium things as well. I might have looked for some lego stuff since I really like them, but it was all in a kind of small corner by the kitchen, and the whole scene was just mad. I think a lot was priced decently (for the seller I mean... $40 for the y-wing comes to mind, $40 for a med-large Falcon), but some stuff wasn't priced at all. Mix in the clear professionals that had tubs of legos and more stacked on top, and yeah, total chaos.

Fortunately the games appeared untouched (I surveyed the lego scene after dealing w/ the games). There was a sign that said video games were 2 bucks each, so I picked out what's in the pic (list below). Well, first I asked how much for the nice boxed NES Action Set. She wanted $75 for all the NES stuff (what I got plus ~5 more games and the boxed system: games I left were the likes of Cabal, Top Gun, etc). I didn't have that much with me, and it seemed a bit high, so I just cherry picked this stuff. There was one of those holders for controllers/zapper & games, and it had a huge stack of manuals... mostly for SNES and N64. Unfortunately those systems/games weren't anywhere to be seen . Earlier in the week they had had their phone number on the ad (it was removed later), so I wonder if someone didn't make a deal on those ahead of time. I just can't bring myself to be 'that guy', though, so I lose on stuff like that now and again. I picked those manuals out and handed them to her and explained that they didn't go with this stuff... she seemed grateful, but she was so swamped it might have just been the lull right then and I was trying to be helpful.

Oh yeah, after we tallied up the stuff to 35, I asked how much for the PS2, and she said, "I don't even care anymore, 20 bucks". Mind you, it was only like 9.05am. Yeah, it was that crazy, I don't blame her for being frazzled. I'd forgotten to check the disc games for actual discs, but when I got home I was happy to find an 8MB memory card in the SW Legos case (and all discs accounted for and in nice+ shape)! Love little bonuses like that.

Probably the coolest thing I came away with is that Zelda Tips & Tactics book. I didn't think much of it at the time, bud hadn't seen it before. Pretty cool now that I flip through it, and looks like it is not real easy to find. Kind of funny, on the inside back cover is some art depicting Link loaded down with all his gear on his back: raft, ladder, bow/arrows, boomerang, shield, sword, bracelet, potion, bomb, wand, flute, key on a string around his neck, map book tucked in vest... am I missing anything? The funny part is he is standing upright like he's out for a casual stroll.

NES: SMB2 & 3, Dr. Mario, Tetris, Zelda x2, Zelda 2 (classic), DK 3, Mario Bros. Boxed advantage was $5
PS1: Galaga, Dark Forces
GC SW Rogue Squadron III and a CIB N64 Mem Exp Pak
Fallout 1 & 2 were at a thrift on the way home. (just checked ebay: Holy Shnikeys, I didn't know CIB copies were so nuts. Don't think just a disc is too special unfortunately.

We also passed a church rummage sale on the way home and stopped. It was on its 3rd day, so I wasn't expecting to find anything. But then there was this SMS lot for 10 bucks. Didn't know the Gen games or card game were in there till I got home. Anyone need a PS1 Road Rash 3-D manual? Volume 5 Sampler?

SMS w/ 3 control sticks (1 busted), regular controller, phaser, games: F16 card, After Burner, Mono Poly, Gangster Town, Altered Beast, Great Baseball, Choplifter, Out Run, Great Basketball, Zaxxon 3-D, Rambo.
Gen: Shadow of the Beast, WWF Royal Rumble
Hunt for Red October was in the box too, they just threw some other stuff that wasn't selling in there I think.

How's that for a wall of text! Anyway, not a bad kickoff to the garage sale season.
I've stopped hunting out yard sales of any kind. Around here it's used clothes and old books. IF I find video games it's PS2 sports games at $15 each.

Yeha, I know, not looking ruins the chance but when I do look it's never anything good.