Sigh. I really hope this isn't broken.

I got my Laseractive in the mail yesterday, with the sega PAC-S10 and controller. The guy who sent it packaged it up real nice, in a huge box full of packaging peanuts. The system worked fine right out of the box, it plays LD's and CD's just fine, and the PAC-S10 worked just fine.

So tonight I was getting some actual playtime on the thing, and cruisin' through Sonic 2. Things were just fine, and I was enjoying the nice audio that this system puts out, but then just as I beat Hill Zone Act 1, the screen went black. At first I though that I had just witnessed my game die, so I popped in another game, and it too didn't work. After trying a couple more games I had to admit that the PAC was the problem.

If the PAC is not plugged into the Laseractive then the player still plays CD's and LD's just fine, audio and video are both working. But, if I have the PAC plugged into the system then all that I get is a green screen which then fades to black.

Normally with the PAC installed and no game inserted I should see a nice splash screen with some logos on it and instructions, but this has been replaced by that green screen. What seems to be happening is that the PAC now thinks that there is always a game installed or something, since while it was still working it would display that green screen for a second before booting into "Genesis mode."

Does anyone have any idea of what could be wrong? I know the Laseractive is known for PSU issues, but I think that is ruled out since the player still turns on. Please help, this is my most expensive video game system, I don't want to lose it after only one day of playing it...

I haven't checked the inside of the unit yet, I have to find some security bits for that. maybe I'll find a loose wire or something.