Well, I got a bit of free time right now, and I have quite a bit of knowledge with computers and some programming, so I think I might take a stab at some SNES reproduction carts.

However I have a few questions before I start,

I was thinking of just buying a cheap and nasty EPROM burner (http://tinyurl.com/nzssgo)

I also need some 27c801 and 27C040 EPROM chips, anyone got a place where they stock these and post to Australia?

I found a seller on Ebay whom sell them (http://tinyurl.com/nwyqe9) they have the correct serial number, do I need to worry about anything else apart from that?

I also need some 74ls139 chips which I assume (according to snesdev.romhack) are needed to join 2 or more chips together.

Does anyone have any other helpful pointers before I start buying all this junk?