Hello everyone,

I am working on putting together the first ever (at least to my knowledge) HomeBrew awards ceremony. We are planning on giving awards for multiple categories.

I was wondering if I could ask for some of your help.

I need to put together the categories that will be used. I am thinking of the following categories:

* HomeBrew Game of the Year
* Best Pre-8bit "Classic" Homebrew Game
* Best 8-bit Homebrew Game
* Best 16-Bit Homebrew Game
* Best sound effects in a Homebrew game
* Best graphics in a Homebrew game
* Greatest Technological Achievement in a Homebrew Game
* Best Remake

What other categories should be included? Any homebrew released on cartridge/CD form in 2009 will qualify to be nominated. Various newsgroups/forums will be polled the last quarter 2009 and first quarter 2010 with awards being provided in Spring of 2010. The Summer issue of Video Game Trader will provide a feature story about the awards and I am trying to get some TV coverage as well.

Any help and/or suggestions are appreciated.


Tom Sansone

PS. Homebrew Authors, feel free to start contacting me about nominating your game now.