My local Goodwill used to be a prime place to pick up some cheap classic gameage, but in the past couple of years, it's been going downhill. First they raised the price of cartridge based games from $1.01 to $3.03, then they started applying the price tags directly on top of the cart label. Now in the past couple of months, they've gone an extra step, and actually put packing tape over the price tag and cart label! I was just in there tonight, and I spotted a boxed copy of Tetris in the jewelry case, but upon closer inspection, they had it completely wrapped in more damn packing tape! And it wasn't even out on the floor, it was IN THE DAMN GLASS CASE! What are they thinking? I can see that some people wouldn't care too much about the condition of the game, or if there was a price tag perminately affixed to the cart label, but as a collection, it brings my piss to a boil.

Has anyone else had this experience with Goodwill?