The Ever-Suspicious DP Random Game Generator (tm) has chosen Crossed Swords today. Crossed Swords is a Neo-Geo coin-op/AES game.

I remember seeing it for the first time and thinking "COOL, a perspective-based RPG", and after shelling out several dollars realizing that not much new was going to happen other than slashing more monsters. And more. And more... *yawn*

But that's just MY humble opinion. What's yours?

DP Guide sez:

Crossed Swords (Neo Geo, by Alpha Denshi) $30/R2
Followed by a sequel on the Neo-Geo CD system. SANTULLI SLANT: Or... "What I Did After Punch-Out!!", as the wire-frame, just-behind-the-back, player-guided combatant leaves the ring, takes up a sword, and proceeds to hack and slash his way through several rather dull stages of medieval cliches. I liked the *concept* behind Crossed Swords, it's the execution I'm not a fan of. The game just isn't very exciting. It's even got a dual player split-screen mode. Not good enough. [Gr: 6, So: 6, Ga: 5, Ov: 5] Released 10/01/91. c1991 Alpha Denshi. #037.