Of the two price guides i know exist (VG Collector and VG Trader), they both seem to be very out of touch with the prices i come across.

For example, Ninja Gaiden Trilogy CIB is listed in VG collector for $45 but if you look on Ebay, Amazon, numerous vg forums (nintendoage, digit press, gametrader) or even local brick and mortar stores i have not seen one sold for under $100 and most are in bad condition. Thats a big difference from just being off a few dollars.

This is only one example but i find the price guides somewhat of a hindrance when making purchasing decisions because i find it does not accurately reflect what the going price is.

Do you guys think this is just from the fact that the magazines are small and to keep up on pricing is rather difficult?

On the flip side do you use the price guides to set prices when selling or are you using another source? i would love to hear from some sellers on ebay and other outlets on how you go about setting your pricing.