So, I apologize in advance if this type of post is not allowed.

I'm pretty new to the whole repros scene, though I'm a long time retro gamer. I have been searching far and wide for an English reproduction of Seiken Densetsu 3 (on a cartridge, not a ROM). I know such things exist as I have seen many images or mentions of them, but have yet to find a place where I could actually buy one.

So here's what's going on: my little brother recently enlisted in the military, he's being shipped abroad after Christmas, his favorite in the world growing up was the Mana series. I wanted to get him the game he was never able to play as a kid, since he's taking the SNES with him. Thus far I have managed to find a place to get everything else I wanted, including a totally unexpected copy of Radical Dreamers for my sister (thanks!!), but absolutely not Seiken Densetsu 3.

I've tried to PM pootle about it, but his box, unexpectedly, is full.
Any help would be most appreciated and a life saver!!! Thanks.
